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Get free AG currency & Emotes in pubg

New OASIS event full explanation

Event rewards: crate
2.sunglass(rose)(7 days)
3.classic crate coupon scrap 
4.AG currency(300)
5.pilot jacket(10 days)
6.Tsunami-sks skin(7 days)

Event duration:
Event details: 
  • You need to collect ingredients to make drinks
  • collect 3 ingredients to shake and get drinks
  • get 34 drinks to collect all the rewards
where do we collect and what are the requirements?

Honey- Play classic match to collect these
mint- Moderate chance to get in classic matches
lemon- Teamup with friends and complete classic match with Top-5/10
chille sauce- The higher your ranking the higher your chances of getting this
lce- Play cheer park to collect this.
After making the drinks we able to drink in spawn island and in cheer park with special emote  

    Emotes are OP!


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