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PUBG New lobby theme trick


PUBG Mobile will gave special lobby theme to Top-10 Popularity players. It will only available for them but by using this trick you can also get that lobby theme for free this trick is now only working in android devices and you get this lobby only for temporary.

First you need disable the ancient secret mode lobby theme and switch to default PUBGM lobby theme to try this trick.

Also Read: Top-5 new features in pubg after 1.0 update 

1. Open Pubg and search this id 5282429510

2. After getting that Id go to profile and click on popularity icon of his account

3. Then click on second person of his popularity list and then quickly closed all tabs by clicking ‘X’ button

4. Then your lobby automatically change into his lobby

This trick will not work for IOS users. You can only see this lobby theme your friends will not able to see and you have to do it every game starts time.

Why this showing?

Because it was an bug in game may be this bug will be fixed in future by using this you won’t get ban

We hope you have enjoyed this trick please comment us this trick is worked for you or not

Stay tuned with PUBGian for more PUBG Mobile updates

Also Read: PUBG season 15 emote leaks

Credits: Kumari Gamers

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