PUBG Mobile New A.C.E UNION Mode,1.0 Update,Season-15
PUBG Mobile
is getting ready for the new 1.0 update and season 15 Updates between these
pubg mobile has added lot of new exciting feature in these upcoming updates.
PUBG Mobile gave more fantastic updates like erangle2.0, payload2.0, new cheer
park 2.0 in 1.0.0 update. likewise, the brand-new mode Called A.C.E UNION will
gone be available from Season-15 update
This A.C.E
UNION mode is slightly similar to Payload mode you need collect the memory
fragments by completing the simple mission in this mode.
In this article we going to discuss detailly about A.C.E UNION mode
Also Read: Top-5 features after 1.0 update
Details about A.C.E UNION:
In this mode you have 5 types of memory fragments you need to charge those
fragments by completing any 2 of 4 mission every mission will be simple and
easy to complete.
Types of Memory fragments:
#1. Elite sniper
1. Carry sniper for longer than 3 minutes 0.00/3.00
2. Rack up 1 [ / 0. S (kill/default | kills/defeats)/] with Sniper
Rifles 0/1
3. Hit moving enemies 2 times with sniper rifles 0/2
4. Hit enemies in the head 2 times 0/2
#2. Treasure Adept
1. Simultaneously equip a helmet and armor that are no lower than Lv.2 0/2
2. Explore air drops 1 time. 0/1
3. Equip the main weapon will all its attachments 1-time 0/1
4. Search 3 death crates 0/3
#3. Extreme adventure
1. Take more than 100 damage from enemies 0/100
2. After killing/defeating and enemy. Defeat another enemy within 3 minutes
3. Survive for longer than 10 seconds when your health is lower than
30 0.00/0.10
4. Batch9 0/1
#4. Survival
1. Survive for longer for 10 minutes 0.00/10.00
2. Drive/ride a vehicle for total of more than 1-minute 0.00/1.00
3. Reach full Energy 1-time 0/1
4. Heal more than 100 health 0/100
#5. Swift attacker
1. Rack up 1 defeat while using an iron sight or a weapon with 2x scope or
lower 0/1
2. Rack up 1 defeat while running 0/1
3. Rack up 1 defeat within 50 meters
4. Rack up 1 defeat with smg 0/1
Complete any two missions of any type to finish charging memory fragments and go to the energy tower to redeem reward these energy towers will be available at several locations in map.
You can also complete an achievement called Witness of truth by playing
this mode and get 100 AG currency
This smashing A.C.E UNION mode will gone be available from season-15
Stay tuned with PUBGian for more updated on PUBG Mobile
Also read: PUBG New lobby theme trick
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