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Pubg mobile ancient mode release date | All details

Pubg Ancient secret mode:

The brand-new mode has been going to release in pubg mobile. Which is called THE ANCIENT SECRET MODE.  which has been going to release in August 04 2020. Every one has been super excited for this mode. And the beta version download link was given below.

Ancient mode pubg mobile

Pubg mobile has often adding some modes in Erangle, Sanhok and Miramar maps like anniversary celebration mode in erangle, and jungle adventure mode sanhok. 

After 0.19.0 update pubg has announced a brand-new mode which was ancient secret mode.  After this mode every one will like to play Miramar map so much  


It is most mysterious mode and the mysterious thing which will happen from the lobby

Ancient mode release date

The three ancient temples which were located in the Miramar map after this mode these locations will be the hot drop for so many players. It has high rage of loot.

Player's unknown battlegrounds

Ancient mode has more secret places and more mysterious puzzles. The hint of the puzzle was given below. 

it was a simple puzzle after completing those puzzles You will get a special loot crate. Which contain Guns, Suppressers, and Ammos. There are three different types of puzzles which are available in this ancient mode.

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Puzzle loot crate

Ancient mode pubg mobile

These ancient temples have special timer after the completion of that time Ancient temple will fly on the sky Around the map. The loots which were in that temple also flies on the sky it looks amazing.

Pubg ancient secret mode

After ancient temple has been lifted up the New secret door will be opened. By entering in to that room you need to kill a mummy (BOSS) and snakes

Snakes where easy to kill but boss was hard to kill. By killing snakes, we will get 0.45, 5.56, 7.62 ammos and by killing boss you will get exclusive loots.

You can watch gameplay of the ancient mode:

Download Beta version of this mode: Click here


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